Together we can give all children with cancer a future…
…by funding research for pediatric brain cancers and building a community of support
The Matilda Project dares to dream of a world…
where a child’s next birthday is never just a wish
All children dream of their future. Matilda’s 10th birthday wish was that she could live to celebrate another one. She spent that particular birthday lobbying on Capitol Hill and asking for what most kids take for granted; a future. It was difficult for her at that point; she was days away from another surgery, the 8th major surgery of her life, and far from her last. She was suffering from the painful effects of tumor growth: she was tired, incredibly weak, and in considerable discomfort and pain. Nevertheless, she was driven to utilize her birthday as a message for those who could wield some power over funding for pediatric cancer; knowing full well, despite her young age, that this is the first vital step in ensuring that kids like her could look forward to another birthday.
Matilda was only able to celebrate one more birthday. But she wanted more. And she deserved more. No child should experience what Matilda did and no family should experience the loss we feel every single moment of every day without her…. this is why we continue her fight to ensure that other kids get a chance to celebrate a lifetime of birthdays. And until that next birthday is a reality, we are committed to celebrating each child as though every day is their next birthday.
Building a community.
It all begins with you. We are constantly working toward collective endeavors and community volunteerism to support and rally behind kids and their families who are facing the unimaginable.
Engaging community support for children facing a terminal cancer diagnosis.
We have seen firsthand how isolating a childhood cancer diagnosis can be… we also know how it can simultaneously be difficult for families to ask for help while also difficult for those around them to know when and how best to offer support. We hope to be the bridge that eases this disconnect. Families that are facing the very real nightmare of losing their child may feel overwhelmed and unable to, on their own, lift the spirits of their child. We hope to facilitate community volunteers to share their talents and spread love. Matilda was love in action: The Matilda Project aims to be a true reflection of that!
How you can help
The Matilda Project welcomes any desire to help! There are many ways that you can be involved in our efforts. Through volunteerism, donations, hosting fundraisers and spreading awareness you can help us to advance our goals and make a difference. Please email us for more details about our ongoing and current projects. Scroll to the bottom of the page for contact information and check out our current project pages which include: our Butterfly Run and Release, Matilda’s Magical Moments, and Tilda’s Toys.
Pediatric Cancer Facts
Approximately 4000 children are diagnosed with brain (and spinal) cancer every year in the US.
20% of children diagnosed with cancer will die within 5 years
Only 3 drugs have been developed in the last 30 years to treat childhood cancer.
Less than 5% of NIH funding through the NCI (National Cancer Institute) is targeted for ALL childhood cancers combined.
Despite progress with many adult cancers, there remain childhood cancers that are terminal at diagnosis. This means there are no cures and no viable treatments to even consider.
Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for children in the US.
Feel free to contact The Matilda Project to find out more information or to offer services for our fundraising or community events!