Matilda Campbell-Reidhead
Matilda. Matilda is our inspiration and de facto CEO! Her short but powerful and monumentally significant life is why we have come together. She was FIERCE and FUN and TENACIOUS. She was never a spectator, rather, she was a catalyst for change and an unending source of love and positivity. If she was still with us, she would continue to work endlessly toward eradicating childhood cancer and she would have succeeded…
it is with HER amazing spirit that we feel propelled to action.

Lindsay Campbell-Reidhead, President/Board Member/Co-founder
Matilda’s mom. Mother of three extraordinary children who have grown in life and in wisdom with grace amidst the worst that childhood cancer could throw their way. We have immersed ourselves in the world of pediatric cancer, as advocates, as reluctant researchers, and as loving caretakers. I draw from my years of both NGO and government work to help navigate the complexities of funding and advocacy. But mostly I draw from my experience as a mother, desperate to save her sweet daughter.
Anna Campbell-Reidhead, Co-founder, Secretary/Board Member
Anna, Matilda’s oldest sister, has been a witness and a childhood cancer advocate for most of her life. She is currently studying at William &Mary. She has been an active fundraiser and has lobbied on Capitol Hill on behalf of childhood cancers and brain tumors with various nonprofit organizations.
It is with her passion to continue Matilda’s spirit that The Matilda Project was established.
Amelia Campbell-Reidhead, Co-founder, Social Media and Volunteer Coordinator/Board Member
Amelia, Matilda’s older sister, has been fundraising and advocating for childhood cancer for over 10 years. She has lobbied on Capitol Hill multiple times and has become intimately acquainted with the struggles these children and their families face as they navigate their child’s illness. Amelia is the driving force behind the founding of The Matilda Project and its continued outreach and growth in order to ensure that Matilda’s life continues to make a meaningful and positive impact.
Van Reidhead, Treasurer/ Board Member
Matilda’s dad. For the past 20 years Van has also served as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer/Diplomat, with postings in Haiti (where Anna started life), Belgium (where Amelia was born), Israel (where our organization’s namesake, Matilda, was born), Afghanistan, and Washington, DC. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Van worked as an independent media producer and adjunct professor of media communications at Webster University in St. Louis. Van is inspired every day by the loving memory of Matilda’s passion for pediatric brain cancer awareness and advocacy.
Karen Spradlin, Board Member
Karen Spradlin, MSW, has been a social worker for over 25 years. Her career has included medical and hospice social work, and she is currently a school social worker. Karen was fortunate to meet Matilda when Matilda was three years old. Karen watched Matilda and her family grow together as they found their way living with cancer, advocating to find a cure, and making the most of every moment. Matilda’s amazing personality and spirit motivate Karen every day to “be the nicest you can be” and seek a cure for pediatric brain cancer. Karen’s past work on non-profit boards contributes to her eagerness to serve on the board of The Matilda Project to increase awareness about pediatric brain cancer and work urgently to support research to find a cure.

Patricia Abbott, Board Member
Patricia, a mother of two amazing girls, currently resides in Katy, Texas where she works as a realtor. She is a former neighbor and close family friend of the Campbell-Reidheads, and has been a constant source of support for Matilda and her family throughout their journey. As a passionate marathoner, she has been active in various fundraising events at different levels. Patricia plans to bring these skills as well as her intimate knowledge of childhood cancer issues to The Matilda Project.
Samantha Abbott, Board Member
My name is Samantha Abbott, a sophomore at the university of Alabama where I am studying kinesiology and spanish. When I am not studying, I am actively involved in YoungLife, University of Alabama Dance Marathon, STEM to MBA Ambassadors, and Crimson Kindness. Furthermore, I enjoy spending time outdoors and being active in intramural sports. I am excited to carry on matilda's love and light for all to see.
Jen Powell, Board Member
Jen, a mother of two incredibly talented kids, has taught History and Social Studies at Centreville High School for over 24 years, with a Masters degree from George Mason University. She has been a friend and source of support for Matilda and her family, particularly as she faced her last recurrence. Jen has been actively involved in continuing Matilda’s love for gifting the other kids at the hospital by organizing a toy drive for Children’s National with the help of Buffa’s Dance Studio. We are so excited to add her enthusiasm and drive to The Matilda Project.